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Showing posts from October, 2018

Stereotyping & Social Stigma

It is a good to post a new blog post today. Sunny day and well...scorching hot actually haha. Anyways, late start for me today cause I'm just too lazy to get my ass off from my bed and leave it. Not that the bed is going anywhere, but yeah... So, I just had my breakfast just now while scrolling through my social medias acc, i.e, Twitter and Instagram stories and I came across my friend's Instagram story which really caught my attention and go " girllll I can relate to this issue ". Basically, it's about social stigma on professions. I am very sure a lot of us had been schooled on this type of mindset, whereby we thought that doctors, engineers and lawyers are a noble job. Honestly, these kind of job IS NOBLE (mind you, there is a but)..... BUT BUT BUT It may only do harm to you at most. Why would I say like that? What do I know? You must be thinking like this. Before I go deep down on my own experience let me give a some sort of disclaimer.  I...

Fresh Start

Hey yalls!  I am not very sure how many people gonna be bloggin anymore yknow with all of the abundance of social medias right now. But nevertheless, I am back here, at blogging cause well I need a place to start blabbing around and you can't do that to people. People got commitments yknow, different people got different commitments, I too have my own commitments, but that will not hinder me from blogging and I just don't want to bother people too much with my problems. This actually my old blog, which I have not been opening it for like a year or so ( I thought it was years but I actually did post my last post last year haha I'm old).  So I guess that's it for my first post after a while. Lots of stuff happened within a year though. I can definitely say "the stuffs" broke me... built me...strengthen me... let's just hope it won't diminished me. Till then. xoxo.