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Stereotyping & Social Stigma

It is a good to post a new blog post today. Sunny day and well...scorching hot actually haha. Anyways, late start for me today cause I'm just too lazy to get my ass off from my bed and leave it. Not that the bed is going anywhere, but yeah... So, I just had my breakfast just now while scrolling through my social medias acc, i.e, Twitter and Instagram stories and I came across my friend's Instagram story which really caught my attention and go "girllll I can relate to this issue".

Basically, it's about social stigma on professions. I am very sure a lot of us had been schooled on this type of mindset, whereby we thought that doctors, engineers and lawyers are a noble job. Honestly, these kind of job IS NOBLE (mind you, there is a but).....


It may only do harm to you at most.

Why would I say like that? What do I know? You must be thinking like this. Before I go deep down on my own experience let me give a some sort of disclaimer. 

If it is indeed your long time dream to become one, then I say go for it. There is absolutely nothing can stop you. However, bear in mind that 

Now, let me share a piece of my story. As the only child in the family, I am kind of entitled to bear down all the weights of becoming a perfect child for my family. A friend of mine called me a robot because I am basically drilled, engineered and molded to become well, the perfect me. But then again, no human is perfect. We are just one for The Creator's creation, bound to serve Him. I can hardly remembered when I started to have the mindset of it's cool to be a doctor and stuffs like that, but I do remember growing up with that kind of mentality. I understand very well that our parents mean well to us, they want what is best for us, but I can't help to think that it would've been better if they just stop for a while and ask us what we want to be. Sometimes, I do wonder what do they want us to be in life... How does it affects me? Enough to say that in some issues I still have this doubtful feeling and always find myself asking "Is this the right thing to do?" I am not saying I cannot make any choices at all because there are choices that I made myself. All I am saying is the confidence level is just average in my case. Now, I can go all day long blabbering about what I feel on this particular issue and yada yada but that's not why I am posting this today.

Again, like I said, if being a doctor, an engineer, a lawyer, is what our younger generations want to be when they grow up, by all means go for it. However, they need to know the risks of being one. Trust me when is say IT IS DEFINITELY NOT EASY. I myself, soon to be graduated as an engineer student. Studying engineering for 4 is hard. You'll flop down if you are not strong enough. The risks of studying this particular field need to be known by our younger generations and the parents need to play a huge role in giving them morale support. 

Contradictory to that, if being a doctor, an engineer, a lawyer, is NOT what our younger generations want to be when they grow up, then parents please step up and help them and ask them what are they interested in. If they have no idea what they want to be then parents please please please guide them, be a friend for them, be a confidante to them. It is crucial for the parents to play the friend role on this issue as it will make the child easier to communicate with. COMMUNICATION IS THE KEY HERE PEOPLE! DO NOT DISCOURAGE THEM TOO! 

 I do sound like I am only concern about the parents right? 

For the younger generations out there, education is indeed important. There is no one can help you but yourself. Your parents will only guide you and help you decide. The decision must be coming from you or else there will be regret, blaming game and so on. Be strong, be bold, be confident but also be obedient. Yes, your parents can be your friend at certain times but THEY ARE STILL YOUR PARENTS AND YALL GET YOUR BLESSINGS FROM THEM YOU KNOW. 

I guess that is all I have to say in this post. Till then, xoxo

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