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All About Him

It feels like a long while since my last update but really, it's only been 2 months. There are lots of things that have been going on in only 2 months span of time. It's been 2 long months - it really was though hahaha. 

Previous blog post, I mentioned the word "love" as a thing that I've been dealing with. It's only one word - LOVE. But, the subject associated with this word varies; love for myself, love for the things that I do, love for my parents, friends, etc. I, for one, considered myself to love others unconditionally. By now, I've been typing words and deleting them, by the way. I am wayyyyyy  tooooooooo conscious sometimes. I do have a feeling of pouring out what I've been through this couple of months and what I'm currently dealing here. Hm, I guess I gotta take that leap of faith. 

Me to me right now: girl, just get through it already

So, let me tell you a story - all about him, the guy who she mistakenly gave her all and loved unconditionally.

They met in the year 2016, she was single at the time and just got out of a toxic relationship. They met through a friend of hers that helped him at his small shop. A few exchange of words and looks, he asked for her contact number through that friend of hers. Of course she wouldn't mind exchanging contact numbers as he was not a stranger to her. They talked, they met, they went out twice together to movies and dinner, they hang out - all those little things that mattered - they did it all. He even cooked for her! She was over the moon at the time, but her heart was not ready for another relationship. Thus, there was no expectation on her behalf, just some wishful thinking. 

The fling went about a year. After that, he graduated. He moved to a bigger city to seek for a job for his living. The girl? She went for an internship and met another lover there. They were still in contact but not as frequent as how it used to be. They were friends at the time. Little did she know what the future brought her. After a year, she ended her relationship with the lover that she met during the internship in 2017, abruptly. She was broken, again. But she stood up quick. She held her head higher than before. She moved on. June 2018 was the month that he suddenly being nice again to her, asking her to take care and get some rest after she finished her degree studies & popped his intention of marrying her. She was shocked. It took her 4 days to gave an appropriate answer to him. He said "I love you".

October 2018 - here comes the graduation day. It was also the day he addressed her "my future wife". She was happy. Little did she know, she was falling again for him - just like in 2016. Things were going well for them. They were so in love with each other. January 2019 - she further her studies in Master's degree. He was all in for her. He supported her. She thought "HE WAS THE ONE"................

Early May 2019, on a peaceful night, there was a sudden fire drill training around her student residence. Amidst the hot and humid condition, she got a text from him saying, "let's us stop contacting each other for a while". She was taken aback. She wondered why so she asked him and his reply was "he was busy with his work". For weeks, she wondered why because everything that he said makes no sense not only to her but also to her friends that knew the whole situation. Her friends were frustrated, but she was not. She was trying to see things in a different way, different perspectives. She reset her priority list. But, little did she know that by ignoring her feelings at the time, pays the price later. She went on with her life, with her daily routine, putting her Master's study first with a hope that things will going to be fine. 

But, she was not. 

To be continue...

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