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Showing posts from March, 2019

10 PM Thoughts

It has been a really long while since the last update. I mean it's March already! Oh my God, where did the time goes? I still have this habit of thinking that it is still February, I don't even know why. Probably because of the aging factor eh? Hahaha! Oh well, it is 5th March already, so yeah. I still can't shake the feeling of how fast the time flies - period. Yesterday, I had this conversation with my postgraduates friends and we talked about many things. Among of those many things, included how long have they been here in Perlis and some of them said 11 years and some of them said 7 years and so on. Me myself, this year is the 5th year I am here in Perlis and this just hits me. I went "What....?" every single time I realized this. Perlis pretty much is my second home right now and I truly love this place! It lacks the urban hectic lifestyle and offers tranquility that I really love. The greenery view is still accessible here and it is easy to the eyes. Do