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Things I've Been Dealing With

Hi there! It's September - a new month and a new year has started for us Muslims around the world. Salam Maal Hijrah 1441H to all of the Muslims out there. May we be better person than the previous years, in shaa Allah ameeenn~

I am actually wondering on what to write about in my blog for the past couple of months and I can't find any answer. Well, because this blog was mainly created for me to express my deepest thoughts but those thoughts were gone just like that the moment I slept, so yeah. However, I was inspired today (I think so) to write a post on some things I have been dealing with... Okay, honestly this is NOT what I was thinking of writing but I lost my train of thoughts 5 minutes ago and...yeah, that happened. 

So, the things I have been dealing with as of now, is of course, my research work, which by the way is going accordingly to the plan I guess. I felt like this heavy burden is lifted from my shoulder after I am through with my proposal defense. I have no idea why but I am feeling a bit at ease right now. But that does NOT mean I am lazing around. Maybe just a little bit aloof right now? I don't know the exact word to describe what I feel right now, but yeah, I no longer feel constricted. I did cry before my proposal defense session because I felt like I have no idea what to do and I felt like a stupid person as I failed at grasping the knowledge within the time frame I gave to myself. But I learned that, you gotta have patience and baby steps you know, and PLANNING is very important to me. I did feel anxious every now and then because of things just don't go the way I planned. I remembered being panic and anxious when I received the information that I were to be among the earliest student that needed to submit their report. The news, to be fair though came at the very last moment. I remembered being so anxious and I could not think straight. At that time, I wished I had like 10 hands and just finish everything at the same time. I overthink a lot at that very moment. I'm just feeling grateful that there are some of my friends who I can talk to at the time. It eased my anxious situation. I am still dealing with the anxious thing as of now. I noticed I overthink stuffs too. I mean these thoughts in my head they need to stop. 

Another thing I am dealing right now

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